본 작품은 미국 건축가협회(AIA) 디트로이트 지부에서 주최한 디자인 공모전에 3등상으로 입상한 작품이다. 본 공모전은 자동차 산업의 쇠락과 슬럼화로 여러 가지 도시 문제를 앓고 있는 디트로이트 시민들에게 공동체 의식과 환경 친화적 도시 공간을 제공할 수 있는 방안으로서 닭장(Chicken Coop)을 생각해보고 디자인 제안하는 것을 요구하였다. 디트로이트 산업의 특징과 새롭게 제시되고 있는 닭장에 대한 해석의 결합을 "재활용" 부재를 통해 해결해보고자 하였다.
본 공모전에 제출된 안은 자동차 부품 수입의 부산물인 목재 팔레트를 주재료로 하고, 이외 재활용 플라스틱 박스나, 금속 그릴, 뽁뽁이 등을 활용하여 닭장이 만족시켜야 할 보안, 기후에 관한 기능들을 해결하였다. 또한 닭장의 상부는 플랜트 박스로 구성되어 미관상으로도 개선될 수 있도록 하였다.
Detroit has made efforts to bring liveliness to urban neighborhoods and communities by building various urban farms. COTE Urban Chicken Coops can align itself on the same line with these challenges. Chicken coops are prohibited in certain local communities due to its unfriendly conditions, noises and people’s prejudice on chicken coops. Therefore, the most significant criteria for this design was to create an aesthetically pleasing look in refurbished materials and to make this design support the clean maintenance of chicken coops.
In searching feasible refurbished materials in Detroit, Urban Detroit Cadillac Urban Garden built in assembly parts containers transported from Korea was inspirational to think of materials and possibility to expand chicken coops for sustainable friendly uses. Open wood-frame containers can be used as the main framework of the hen house. In addition, from nearby factories, pallets can be recycled for the full construction of chicken coop. Pallets shall be used for the roof, walls and floor systems. The openings at pallets shall allow natural ventilations. The access doors shall be made in recycled open-grid box panels or metal gratings collected from factories as well. All of these materials are reminiscent of the old glory of Detroit industry. Against severe winter climate, Velcro tapes can be applied onto wood frames and wrapping bubble sheets. Wrapping bubble sheets are highly performing for insulation and wind-stop. Due to Velcro tapes, the wrapping bubble sheets can be easily installed and eliminated when it gets warm again in the following year. The wrapping bubble sheets are also by-products of manufacturing logistics.
Almost 100% of materials to construct the proposed chicken coop design can be collected from factories or donated by industrial parties. When the chicken coop is no longer necessary, pallets and wood containers can be recycled for urban farms as typically installed in community gardens of Detroit. For pleasing and harmonious look of a chicken coop for each single-family house, the owner shall paint it in his/her favorite color. As different and diverse appearances of single-family houses in Detroit form an urban scene, various colors and different flowers and vegetables planted in chicken coops shall produce an urban community landscape with its uniqueness of programs.
For the visual comfort and environmental friendliness of chicken coops, planters and pallets shall create the green buffer zones between the house owning the chicken coop and adjacent neighborhoods, the owner and hens, and the open air or the sun and the interior of the coop. In addition to eggs which can be collected from hens, vegetables can be grown in this small urban chicken coop unit and organic foods shall be delivered onto your dining tables. Also, the Chicken excrement can be used as the fertilizer of plants grown in the chicken coop.
Each unit of the urban chicken coop would house three to four hens. This will provide eggs for the single family every day. Neighbors and passers-by would discover this enticing green HENHAUS and enlighten themselves on urban farming and chicken coops.
연도 Year: 2014
유형 Type: Competition (3rd Place)
위치 Location: 미국 디트로이트 Detroit, USA
2013 Urban Chicken Coop Design Competition
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